Notary Dr. Kristina Cyglakow
As a notary, I provide you with professional expertise and a clear focus on your needs in all notarial matters. The principles of confidentiality, reliability, security, and neutrality are the foundation of my work and are fundamental to my practice. Together with my dedicated and experienced team, my aim is to develop legally secure and tailored solutions for you, offering impartial, clear, and comprehensible advice.
Your needs and concerns are our priority.
Curriculum Vitae
- Born in Kaptschagai, Kazakhstan.
- Raised in Augsburg.
- Studied law at the University of Augsburg.
- Scholarship of the Studeienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation) and the Max Weber Program in Bavaria.
- International exchange student at George Washington Law School in Washington, D.C., USA.
- Legal clerkship in Augsburg.
- International law firm experience in Hong Kong.
- International law firm experience in Munich in Corporate/M&A.
- PhD (thesis in stock coorporation law) from Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
- Notary representative with positions in Erlangen and Fürth.
- Position at the Deutsches Notarinstiut (German Notary Institute; DNotI) in Würzburg.
- Notary in Vilseck, with an office in Auerbach i.d.Opf.